Live Event Coverage: How Quick Turn Video Can Amplify Your Message

Anytime your company attends or hosts a live event, you have a huge opportunity to leave a lasting impression. While conferences, trade shows, and company events have countless activities pulling at people’s attention, there are ways to rise above the noise and more importantly make sure your message sticks. One sure fire way we’ve helped large and small companies do this is with “Quick Turn Video.”

Videos can take weeks to produce and publish, but a Quick Turn video is produced within hours or a couple of days, so that the videos can be shown or posted during or immediately after the event. The fast turnaround makes Quick Turn Videos exciting and immediate. They often involve the crowd – which is a large part of what makes them so popular. We’ve had success producing Quick Turn Video for trade shows, summits, conferences, international fairs, and competitions. Our team films and edits on location and the videos are shown at the same event we are supporting. Prior to the event, we also collaborate with the keynote teams to build uniquely flavored videos that fit the theme and any standard or “odd screen sizes” of the venue.

Videos to Showcase All Your Event Has to Offer

These daily and typically energetic videos can be used in many ways. At the event, a highlight reel or shoutout video from the day can increase excitement and add a level of legitimacy around the event. They are great to play at the close of the day’s activity or as a kickoff of the next day as a quick recap. These videos are great to share with those who couldn’t attend the event or were only able to go to portions of it and will leave them wanting more.

“In a fast paced work environment, a fast turnaround on videos keeps your audience’s attention longer and helps them absorb what they just spent days learning,” says Kathi Schumacher, a live event and video producer at Intel Corporation, “Wait too long and you run the risk of them losing interest.”

If your company is sponsoring an event consider adding a video recap during closing keynotes and posting clips online for sharing. These short videos give participants something to react to while they’re in the emotions of a big announcement or product launch that can ultimately lead to greater buzz for your message. You can also create content for attendees to share with their own social networks that is guaranteed to be high quality and follow your branding for the event.

“Live events provide the perfect platform for companies to set themselves apart and participate in social media,” says Amber Jackson, a live event video producer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. “At live events, you can capture real-time updates and announcements with videos that allow you to share quickly and show leadership in your industry.” Ms. Jackson recommends that anyone already capturing media at live events add Quick Turn Video to the mix while content is still fresh in people’s minds and gathering steam online.  

Some of our clients use Quick Turn Videos to capture classroom and training content so that those at home can also benefit from training they couldn’t attend in person. It’s imperative that the training videos are released within days of the actual training because you want your workforce on the same page with the latest news before meeting with your customers again.


The Best Quick Turn Videos Have One Thing in Common

Beyond the show floor and classes there are meetings, product demonstrations, webcasts, and tons of press coverage that can provide great content to share. We’ve found that one of the best ways to generate energy at your event is to involve the audience. It’s exciting for people to see themselves on screen as part of the show. Even something simple like interviewing booth visitors and customers on-camera sets them up to be center stage. Feeling so involved in the event will lead participants to share content with their networks.

Our camera crews shoot colorful and unique shots of the venue, products, and anything that helps support the messaging. Our editors then put everything together in record breaking time. Videos can then be played that same day in the booth, back at the hotel, online, or anywhere else you decide.

How have you used Quick Turn Videos at your events? Interested in doing so in the future? Let us know. We’d love to hear from you!

Lights, Camera, Action.

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