With Cambridge University in the United Kingdom and the Stephen Hawking Foundation our goal was to help celebrate the 79th birthday of Stephen Hawking through a live broadcast featuring the top astrophysicists from around the world.
Live Event
Stephen Hawking Celebration Live Event Stream

Client: Cambridge University
Project: Virtual Event Live Stream
Roles: Production Support, Production Logistics, Technical Directing, Directing, Graphic Design and Animation, Editing, Live Streaming, Encoding
Duration: 5 Weeks
Location: Global
The UK was in complete lock down due to the coronavirus pandemic but, as they say, “the show must go on” so we employed some of the first early remote switching, open source software to help people participate from home or university while keeping them safe from the virus.
Eiichiru Komatsu shared a then, new theory about the early universe and Professor Sir Roger Penrose, Stephen Hawking’s friend and research partner, delivered a keynote and took live questions from academics around the world.