Q&A with Eileen Rivera of YouTube Space LA

There are few companies that have a finger on the pulse of digital video creation and distribution like YouTube. Some credit the video giant with the shift toward digital. In recent years they opened studios around the globe for popular video creators to have access to high end spaces and gear.

We talked with Eileen Rivera, Senior Production Manager for YouTube Space LA, at the National Association of Broadcasters last month. Eileen is an old friend and colleague, who has worked with digerati like Leo Laporte and at places like CNET and Revision 3.  Eileen has experienced every kind of production and is now tasked with making sure YouTube Creators have access to studio space with gear to match the technology of the time.

So what video and technology does Eileen and YouTube have their eye on?  

If you’re a video creator (not a brand) and are interested in getting access to of one of nine YouTube spaces around the globe, here’s what you need before you can even get in the door for an orientation:

  • Your YouTube channel must have at least 10,000 subscribers
  • Actively upload content to your channel
  • be at least 18 years old or you are under 18, bring a parent or guardian


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